I am Magnetic and Authentic as a Healer and Connector.

I am learning to unapologetically live my Best Life.

Truth telling and Holding space for people is easy. When you’re with me, you feel peace and safety. You are empowered & encouraged to deal with all that is holding you back.

People sense this and talk to me, unload shame and guilt, and are often willing to dig in to find freedom. This is how I help people go from CHOAS —> CLARITY. ~~

My background in high-level trauma along with 2 decades of personal & professional chronic-stress helps me to stay grounded and calm for others in my space. This makes me a naturally gifted coach.

Also, I’m Tenacious when I want something. I lead with Love and walk in Faith. I’m learning about emotions and to let myself actually feel when feelings come up. It’s Invigorating and Freeing.

I went from being overworked, overstressed, and extremely unhealthy in every way to ~~~Changing my Whole LIFE!!! ~~~

Always feeling like if I would just work harder I could stop settling for mediocrity TO completely pivoting in life, in love, in money, in business, and in the relationship I have with myself.

I am not reinventing myself... I am learning to live in the fullness of who I was created to be. Learning to use my gifts to bless myself, my family, and others… and loving every second of it.

I am unapologetically living my Best Life.

I am a Life-Changer.

a little more about Coach Christine

Christine Jean is a 3rd generation ‘Jean’ and has passed that down to her daughter who is Chloe Jean. She is a boss babe Speaker, Author, Mentor, and a professional certified Life Coach who helps men & women face all types of trauma and limiting beliefs. She does this by speaking life and truth into them.

She found herself going through some rough life circumstances including childhood trauma, a marriage & divorce fueled by addiction and many traumas and stressors during a long career in Emergency Services!!

She is learning through her own life challenges to be Fearlessly Authentic. 

  • She has been featured on PODCASTS including: Within The Trenches (ep. 338, 203, 191, & 138) with Ricardo #iam911 #imaginelistening

  • Starting Over...Inspirational Visions podcast with Mary Markham (Recorded - 3/26/21)

  • Divorce Conversations by the Women’s Financial Wellness Center with Ronda Noordyk (3/22/21)

  • STELLARGIRL with Terri

She is the proud contributing AUTHOR of

The Ah-Ha Effect Book and a contributor to the IAED blog & the 911 Training Institutes blog. 

She has facilitated WORKSHOPS for multiple types of businesses as well as 911 centers who are dealing with traumatic events or personnel issues.

She is a SPEAKER at the state and national levels and has been seen at conferences for the last 10+ years connecting on topics including Leadership, Communication, Customer Service in 911, Wellness for the First First Responder, Resiliency, Critical Incident Dispatching, as well as many other topics.

She is a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Advanced instructor and an AHA instructor. 

Christine is an esteemed Coach with the Coaches Culmination of Wisconsin.

Christine is a FICC Certified Professional Life Coach with FEW-The Fellowship of Extraordinary Women Institute and a leader in Women’s leadership.

She has been certified in many things… Here are a few:

  • Psychological First Aid

  • Critical Incident Stress Management

  • 911 Peer Support

  • 12STR

She is currently enrolled at Liberty University to obtain her Bachelors in Crisis & Trauma Life Coaching.